Your skin's healthy qualities:
Even tone + Youthful
Your skin's barriers:
Dry + Sensitive
Scroll down to know how to reverse these and get and keep your skin into its best shape.
You are dealing with skin that is typically super dry and sensitive and this is a difficult combo. You probably feel nothing can fix it and often the products that promise to hydrate cause your skin to breakout, go red or react. Your #1 priority is to heal, then seal the skin barrier. If you make strength your daily ritual with our fortifying and nourishing skincare and avoid sun and unhealthy life habits, you'll improve hydration, radiance and avoid early ageing. Don't get discouraged as your skin will take time to repair.
Helping you build confidence in your skin is what we’re all about.
If you would like a little more personal guidance, please book a 30 minute 1:1 skin coaching session.
Click the button PERSONAL TRAINING to get the conversation started.
As a DSEY skin type, we’re hooking you up with a little something to get you started off right.
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Stronger together.